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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

In the beginning, there were trees.

In the library, there is a picture of a tree.
The tree is labeled, with something like wisdom, insperation, imagination.
So much mythology!
In the beginning, we learned about trees.  We know all the stories, and now sitting here at what I believe is the end of the class, I only see it just beginning again.  The branches of the tree marking all the different directions that life goes in.  It all began with just a seed.  Just one thought, "where did it all begin?" It is only just beginning.  This tree I am stairing at clearly shows me.  I see Athena in the wisdom, and Zeus in the insperation.  I see greek mythology if I use my imagination.  My thoughts are only just beginning to see howeverything is intertwined.  I do not believe Sexson wanted to just teach us about mythology.  I do not think that the class definition is correct.  Instead, I have learned not about stories and Gods.  I have learned how to begin thought.  There is so much for me to see!  In sociology this morning, a guest speaker told us to open our minds and see what we want to do with out lives.  He said that it is only just the beginning, it will onlly just ever be the beginning.  Life has no real end.
I have an album on face book that says starting the summer in style.  I opened it up to see where I began, and the first picture in my album was that of the red wood forest, where I am sitting upon the roots of a great tree. I never realized just how mythological my summer really was.  When touring through the redwoods, I read a quote, that I feel the need to share.

THe mythology in my life is astounding.  I was in awe of this when I read it, and I am ever more in awe as of now.  I am only just starting to begin to understand just how mythical those trees were.  This plaque was in the center of red wood trees, forming a perfect circle.  This is where my summer began, staring up into the sky, in the middle of a circle of red wood trees,so tall, they touched the sky.

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