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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Explain it to me???

The more I think about the Gods, and the more we discuss their existance in class.  The more I have to think...they are not actual people.  They never were.  In ancient Greece, they had to way to explain things, they did not have the scientific explanation that we did.  So in order to explain the unexplainable they created nothing more than people, much mightier than themselves.  These mighty beings explained everything, the sky, and Zeus.  Throwing lightning bolts in his anger. Supposedly the Gods created us, however, in my opinion it is reversed.  We created them in our own image.  It seems really unrealistic to me that such mighty beings would create something lesser than them in thier own image.  We are always confused as to how the world was created as well, and all these stories of greater beings explains it, for instance.  With native americans, the fox, the trickster, seems to be a key creator.  This is because the Native americans respected him, so therefore he was the greater being, same as coyote.  The Gods do exist, I will not disacree....but I do disagree with our perception on them.  They are simply explanation for the unexplainable.  Zeus and the sky, Aphrodite and love, Posidon and the sea, and Hades and death.  The Greeks also had alot of time on their hands, they did not have TV, so instead they made up stories to match these beings.  Over time, I beleive that the people believed so much in their made up stories that they became real, as real as the unexplainable things.  So yes, the greek gods exist, and they always will, because they will always be here.  Until the great cicrle of life is long gone and over with.  People will always fall in love, so Aphrodite will always be there, Cupid shooting them as the start of it.  The sky will always shoot lightning bolts, and so Zeus will always be there, throwing his bolts out of the sky.  The sea will always be a mistery, and so Posidon will always be there, controlling its waves...Not the moon as science says. 

Greek nameEnglish name
ChaosPrimeval Goddess of air, Chaos is believed to be one of the first beings to exist in the universe. Chaos is not really depicted as having a personality or physical form.[1] Chaos is the lower atmosphere which surrounded the earth. Her name Khaos means the gap, or the space between heaven and Earth.[2] Mother or Grandmother of Nyx (night), Erebus (Darkness), Aither (Light), and Hemera (day).
ErebusGod of darkness. Son of Chaos. Twin of Nyx.
GaiaGoddess of the Earth (Mother Earth), mother of Kronos, grandmother of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, etc.
ZephyrGod of the west wind.
NyxGoddess of night Daughter of Chaos. Twin of Erebus. Creator and Goddess of Hellhounds.
TartarusThe darkest pit in the world at the edge of the world.
Ouranos(Father Sky) and father of the Titans.
PhysisPrimeval Goddess of Nature. In some cases Physis is believed to be a child of Chaos and emerged at the beginning of time.
HydrosPrimordial God or Goddess of water (unknown gender). Hydros is also sometimes believed to be a child of Chaos.
ThesisPrimordial God/Goddess of Creation. Thesis is sometimes thought to be a child of Chaos. Thesis is thought to have emerged with Hydros before Gaia.
PhanesPrimeval God of procreation and is referred as the primal generator of life. Phanes is Nxy's father and was the ruler of the universe before her.
KhronosPrimeval God of time. According to Khronos was:
...a divinity who emerged self-formed at the beginning of creation... The figure of Khronos was essentially a cosmological doubling of the Titan Kronos (also "Father Time"). []

Look at the list above, some of the deepest things people can think of remain unexplained unless we view these list of Gods.  Then everything seems a little clearer.  We do not like not knowing, so here are our explanations.

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