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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Let us begin

"It is not ended"
It is only just the beginning.\
The door is just starting to open, and we are getting out first real breath of mythology.
Confusing, new, exciting; we are no where near close to understanding everything.  But to understand, to see, to realize, we must first understand the stories, then we will understand our own story.  With mythology class just starting off...Let us begin.

Good luck on your travels, and do not forget to look for the footprints that were put there before you.
It has been a mythical experience.


I was on a myth minded role when I received a call from one of my good friends.  She called me crying and said that she had been broken up with.  Unfortunately, I cannot say I am surprised.  History will ALWAYS repeat itself; and this particular story was very familiar to me.  Last year, I had walked the exact same path with a guy, and I had received the same coward break up message.  I had warned my friend about the path she was walking down, because after the fact, I could clearly see the message she had engraved on her basket.
Every time I think history must repeat itself, I remind myself that it is an incorrect sentence.  The correct one was said by a mythical creature...Genie himself.  "I'm history.  No, I'm mythology". 
 History does not repeat itself, however Mythology does.  Ariadne betrayed herself to help Theseus kill her half brother the Minotaur, and then he left her abandoned on an island.  My friend is currently in the abandonment stage, she has already betrayed herself for him.  She turned into someone who she really was not.  In her situation, she needs to take a lesson from Narcissus, self love must always come first.  If a person has no respect for them self, or no love for them self, then they cannot be expected to have others fall in love with them.  Obviously Narcissus takes this a little too far...but a little bit of self love will never hurt.
Nick obviously takes it to far, we have all read the Magus, and we see how betrayal works.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The beginning of my summer.  Footprints in the sand.  I am following these footprints of my life now, the footprints that destiny had laid down there for me lng long ago.  "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" (Fowles, 529)  I was permitted to take this picture at the time, so that I could look back on it now and realize that those were not my footprints after I stepped them, but before I had even started.  The mythology had just begun.  It was an illusion that I believed I was stepping them for the first time.  This same beach had been walked thousands of times by thousands of people, I was just fooled by the illusion that the waves had made.  I did not open my eyes enough to see under the cover.  I was holding my own basket with a story and I did not even realize it.  I may not have seen the foot prints of the stories I was follwoing before, but I should have realized, it is still the same sand.  It will always be the same sand.  Now some other persons footrprints are exactly where mine once were.  The poor fool does not even know, that beach has already been walked.  It always will be.  Life is a never ending circle.  This is the strongest message I am getting from this class, from this book, and from everything around me.  Mythology was already there.  I just did not lift the viel to view it.Thinking back to that day, I remember the brilliant colors of the sky, and how the sea smelt. 

Zeus and Posidon were there, guiding me on my travels, and I only saw the beauty.  The foot prints next to me where that of the man I loved...and yet at the time, I never saw Aphrodite.   Now it is all so clear.  I was with the Gods.  I was so enthusiastic to be there. I was so happy.  It was all mythology.  It will always be mythology! I am now being permitted to see that what I saw was not actually true.  I was just permitted to see the illusion. me, this grand illusion is all true.  Everything is just another footprint in the sand.  My feet were just following the story written out there long long ago, a story from the beginning.

In the beginning, there were trees.

In the library, there is a picture of a tree.
The tree is labeled, with something like wisdom, insperation, imagination.
So much mythology!
In the beginning, we learned about trees.  We know all the stories, and now sitting here at what I believe is the end of the class, I only see it just beginning again.  The branches of the tree marking all the different directions that life goes in.  It all began with just a seed.  Just one thought, "where did it all begin?" It is only just beginning.  This tree I am stairing at clearly shows me.  I see Athena in the wisdom, and Zeus in the insperation.  I see greek mythology if I use my imagination.  My thoughts are only just beginning to see howeverything is intertwined.  I do not believe Sexson wanted to just teach us about mythology.  I do not think that the class definition is correct.  Instead, I have learned not about stories and Gods.  I have learned how to begin thought.  There is so much for me to see!  In sociology this morning, a guest speaker told us to open our minds and see what we want to do with out lives.  He said that it is only just the beginning, it will onlly just ever be the beginning.  Life has no real end.
I have an album on face book that says starting the summer in style.  I opened it up to see where I began, and the first picture in my album was that of the red wood forest, where I am sitting upon the roots of a great tree. I never realized just how mythological my summer really was.  When touring through the redwoods, I read a quote, that I feel the need to share.

THe mythology in my life is astounding.  I was in awe of this when I read it, and I am ever more in awe as of now.  I am only just starting to begin to understand just how mythical those trees were.  This plaque was in the center of red wood trees, forming a perfect circle.  This is where my summer began, staring up into the sky, in the middle of a circle of red wood trees,so tall, they touched the sky.


I took a breather from my studying, and enjoyed a conversation with my roomate for a couple seconds.  We talked about cows of all things.  This lead me to think about my cow from my senior year.  His name was Pie.  At the time, his face reminded me of a Pie.  However, with my conversation, and the mythology of my mind.  I couldnt help but think that maybe his name was a lot more mythical than I originally thought.  Pie is infinate, it never ends.  Pie is a circle, with pieces to be cut out. 

Pie is a perfect metaphor for life.  Life never ends, it simply repeats with new beginnings, each savory piece to be cut out is just part of the endless cycle.  Not to mention all the stories about Cows! Io, Zeus as a bull, the Minotaur.  When I named that cow of mine, I never realized just how much he meant to the world.  He ahd a great effect on my life,  I had to work every day to train him, and then I sold him to be butchered.  I watched the full circle of a life be created with that cow.  Pie abducted such a great portion of my summer with is constant training.  Just as Zeus abducted Europa.  He was a challenge to train, a challenge that I had to face just as the Minotaur was, and sometimes, he seemed just as evil as the minotaur was, dragging me through the dirt, kicking me, and trying to gorge me with his stubbs that I had the commen sense to saw down before they became sharp points.  However, he also brough me great joy.  On the last day I had him, after he had come to accept my touch, I realized that he was very sweet.  I beleive that he had realized that his circle of life had come to an end.  Pie ended up on a plate, just as the food pie does.  He completed a complete circle, and he ended with his beginning, emptyness.  Pie was pure, he was simple minded, and yet he was mythological.  He embodied so much more than I ever could have imagined.

Muddled thoughts.

Dionysus has completely taken over my brain.  I feel as though I am in a fog.  Everything is cloudy with finals being the only thing on my brain I am stressed.  Yet I still find the mythology in it, it seems that now that everything is more confusing about real life, mythology is the only thing that makes sense.  Pure emotion and earth.  Science does not make sense, instead I only see mythology.  Im just hoping that Dionysus will let my brain go soon, so that I can focus on what I need to.  I beg you me to remember all that I must remember!  I only hope that Athena will give me the wisdom I need to pass my finals, and that the mother of the muses helps me to overcome Dionysus and remember all that I have learned.  I will accept you Dionysus, however only after I am done with my last final...The beginning of the end.  My last final will be mythology, it only seems fitting, so in the end, I start back with the beginning. Mythology! and after I have finished with them, I fully plan on opening up a bottle of wine, to start my de-stressing by clouding my mind in celebration of what I have finished.  Dionysus will be welcome to celebrate my new beginning.

One of the very fist Gods we learned of in mythology was Nmumosony...and now I am back to the beginning, begging her for her help.


Here are some more explanations for the unknown...

Old Gods known as Old TitansSee also Titan (mythology). The original thirteen Titans:
  • Crougly- King of the Titans. Was never contained in Tartarus. More powerful than all other Titans and Gods.
  • Koios- also spelled Coeus. God of intelligence, heavenly prophecy and the axis.
  • Kreios- also spelled Crius. God of leadership, domesticated animals and the constellations.
  • Kronos- also spelled Cronus. Adviser to the King of the Titans and god of time
  • Hyperion- God of light.
  • Iapetos- God of mortal lifespan.
  • Mnemosyne- Goddess of memory, the inventiveness of words and language.
  • Okeanos- God of fresh water.
  • Phoebe- Goddess of the Oracle of Delphi and intellect.
  • Rhea- Goddess of fertility, the female body, and later, nature. Mother of Zeus, Hera, Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, God of the sea and ocean.
  • Tethys- Goddess of Subterranean forces of fresh water and patron goddess of nursing mothers and the young.
  • Theeeeia- Goddess of sight, gold, silver and gems.
  • Themis- Goddess of divine law and order.
Lesser Titans:
  • Atlas- God of astronomy. Holds the sky from the earth as his punishment.
  • Eos- Goddess of dawn
  • Helios- God of the sun and husband of Selene.
  • Epimetheus- God of Roxy.
  • Menoitios- God of violent anger, rash reactions and human morality.
  • Prometheus- God of forethought and crafty counsel. Created humanity.
  • Selene- Goddess of the moon and wife of Helios.



[change] The Olympians

These gods are the most important and powerful gods. The home of these gods was Mount Olympus.

Greek nameEnglish nameRoman nameDescription
Aφροδίτη (Aphroditē)AphroditeVenusGoddess of love and beauty, married to Hephaestus. Ares is her lover. Eros is her son. There are different stories about how she was born.
Aπόλλων (Apollōn)ApolloApolloGod of the Sun, music, archery, poetry, healing, and prophecy. He is Artemis's twin brother, and Son to Zeus.
Άρης (Arēs)AresMarsGod of war, murder and bloodshed. Brother to Hephaestus, and is the lover of Aphrodite and son of Zeus.
Άρτεμις (Artemis)ArtemisDianaGoddess of the hunt,wilderness,wild animals,night, and the moon. Apollo is her twin brother. Artemis is a virgin goddess and is also protector of maidens.
Αθηνά (Athēna)AthenaMinervaGoddess of wisdom, weaving, the arts, warfare and reason. She is the favorite daughter of Zeus.
Δήμητρα (Dēmētra)DemeterCeresGoddess of fertility, grain and harvest. Demeter is a sister of Zeus. Her daughter is Persephone, Hades' wife.
Διόνυσος (Dionysus)DionysusBacchusGod of wine, parties/festivals, madness and merriment, he is a son of Zeus.
ᾍδης (Hades)HadesPlutoGod of the underworld. Brother of Poseidon and Zeus.
Ήφαιστος (Hēphaistos)HephaestusVulcanGod of fire and the forge. Ugly son of Hera and Zeus is his father in some accounts. Married to Aphrodite, but she does not love him because he is deformed and as a result is cheating on him with Ares.
Ήρα (Hēra)HeraJunoGoddess of marriage, women and childbirth. Zeus' wife, and sister.
Ερμής (Hērmēs)HermesMercuryGod of flight, thieves, commerce, and travellers. Messenger of the gods. Zeus's son by Titaness.
PoseidonPoseidonNeptuneGod of the sea, storms, and horses. His sons are the Heavenly Twins, Polyphemus, and Triton. His weapon is a trident by which he can stir up the seas, wreck ships and drown sailors.
Ζεύς (Zeus)ZeusJupiterThe father of all fathers, the wisdom and light. The king of the gods after killing his father, Kronos who ate Zeus's siblings but their mother managed to save baby Zeus. When Zeus grew up he fed Kronos a mixture of wine and mustard to make him vomit his immortal siblings who had grown up in Kronos's stomach. Zeus is the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky, thunder and lightning. Though he is married more than once, his real queen is Hera. Zeus is the father of Hermes, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Athena, Ares, Apollo, and Artemis. Some also say that Aphrodite is a daughter of Zeus, but this is a false statement.

  1. REDIRECT Target page name

[change] Minor gods

  • Danilios - God of Roxy'Bold text''''Bold text''''Bold text''''Bold text''''Bold text''''Bold text''''''''''''''''
  • Bia - God of force
  • Cratos - God of strength and power
  • Deimos - Personification of terror; brother of Phobos
  • Eris - Goddess of dischord
  • Geras - God of old age
  • Harmonia - Goddess of harmony
  • Hebe - Goddess of youth
  • Hecate - Goddess of magic, witchcraft, necromancy, and crossroads
  • Hestia - Goddess of the hearth, fireside, family, and home, was one of the Olympians until she gave up her throne on for Dionysus ( is not a minor god she still has a throne on olympus)
  • Hypnos - God of sleep (The fatherless son of Nyx)
  • Janus - God of doors, gates and new beginnings
  • Khione - Goddess of snow (father is one of the gods of the winds)
  • Leto - mother of Artemis and Apollo
  • Morpheus - God of dreams
  • Momus- God of blame
  • Moros - God of fate
  • Nemisis - Goddess of consequences and revenge
  • Nike - Goddess of victory and strength
  • Persephone - Goddess of spring and flowers and wife of Hades, hence queen of the underworld
  • Phobos - God of Phobias and fear in general; brother of Deimos
  • Thanatos- God of death
  • the Erinyes - Otherwise known as the furies. Goddesses of revenge
  • the Neptune - actually two groups of separate goddesses worshiped in different periods: the first three were goddesses of the seasons, the second generation were goddesses of law, justice and order
  • Tyche - Goddess of luck, destiny and fortune
  • Zelus - God of dedication
  • the Moirae: Klotho, Lachesis and Atropos - They controlled life and destiny
  • the Muses - they represented the arts, sciences, and music
  • the Oneiroi: Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos - they were the personifications of dreams and sons of hypnos
  • Pan - God of the Wild
  • Iris - Goddess of the rainbow