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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Stefanie Herrera's Mythology

"For centuries people have spoken of the Greek myths as of something to be rediscovered, reawoken.  The truth is it is the myths that are still out there waiting to wake us and be seen by us, like a tree waiting to greet our newly opened eyes." Chapter VIII Page 280

I do not believe that I could have stumbled across a greater quote to start my blog with.  I believe that this class with open my eyes to so many everyday things that will make me start thinking about greek myths on a daily basis.  Our Professor, Mr. Sexson, has already had an impact on my enthusiasm for Greek myths.  His dedication to memorizing our every name by the second class, makes me want to show as much dedication to his class.  To tell you the truth, when he asked us to write our name on a piece of paper so we could have our pictures taken I thought he was bat shit crazy, however, now I see that it was just to show his dedication to his class.
Sexson brought Greek myth into his class with memorizing our names and his reference to Mnemosynein and the nine muses. Mnemosynein, I learned, is the mother of the nine muses.  Memory is the best way to remember her name Sexson told us, so from this point on, when asked who the mother of the nine muses is, I will reply Memory.
Another interesting fact I learned is that narcism-debilitating self love, came about from Greek myth.  Persephone was in the process of picking up a narcissis when she was abducted by Hades.  Also, Narcissis the man was tricked into falling in love with his own reflection and so the word has its meaning.
I have learned that I will need to hug a tree, because many people have turned into trees in greek myths.. Daphne turns into a laurel tree  while Apollo chased her, she called out to the gods and was turned into the tree, escaping Apollo.
Mythical blood stays in circulation, with everday life myths, it will be interesting to see how many of these play out in my life during this class.
Ill get better at this blogging thing in time also...

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